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媒体声明- 2022年12月6日


威尼斯电玩城手游的总统 & 首席执行官, 弗朗索瓦地方, 分享他的想法和观点,如何两个简单的想法可以帮助解决能源危机


Our path to balancing global energy transition and continued energy security creates a maze of challenges. We need to ensure the measures we take to solve the complex technological questions and soaring demand for energy worldwide results in continued energy security on a global basis.

北美拥有解决这两个挑战的资源和创新劳动力. 然而, we lack one critical component: energy policies that enable us to 安全 and securely unlock the global energy transition.  

发挥威尼斯电玩城手游的潜力,提供变革性的全球解决方案, 威尼斯电玩城手游必须开始更聪明、更有创造性地思考. 有两个简单的想法可以作为基础.  


A small but vocal class of policymakers and interest groups demand we use regulation to rapidly choke the supply of natural gas to coerce the development of lower emitting alternatives. 这个概念忽略了现实世界的后果.  

传统能源对于满足日益增长的需求至关重要. 即使对可再生能源的增长进行最乐观的估计, blocking the development of traditional energy projects will lead to disruptive energy shortages and soaring costs across North America.  

同时, these policymakers and interest groups refuse to support the building of newer and cleaner traditional energy projects, 比如液化天然气(LNG), which has the adverse effect of forcing consumers to rely on older energy sources — like coal — that produce far greater emissions.  

这种情况今天正在欧洲上演. 在争相取代俄罗斯天然气的过程中, leaders are seeking refuge in accessible sources of energy regardless of their environmental impact. 比如德国, 为了满足今冬的需求,20多家燃煤电厂已经重新开放或扩建. This creates insecurity across the region and does nothing to aid in the progress toward sustainable energy solutions.   

全球能源转型没有捷径可走. Continuous access to affordable and reliable energy is essential as we 安全 and securely progress toward our ability to meet demand with lower emitting sources of energy.  

The second critical idea we must adopt is to stop labelling energy sources as “good” or “bad” and, 而不是, 评估它们是否比它们所替代的能源排放更低.  

液化天然气无疑是世界上快速减少全球排放的最佳工具. 威尼斯电玩城手游出口到世界各地的液化天然气减少了对煤炭的依赖, which was responsible for 40 percent of the overall growth in global carbon emissions last year.  

在欧洲能源危机期间,液化天然气受到了极大的关注, 但它的潜力远远超出了当前的时刻. From Mexico to Asia, expanding LNG will continue energy security and dramatically reduce emissions. 拒绝扩大液化天然气出口将世界各国锁定在煤炭上, 高硫柴油, 以及未来几十年的其他破坏性能源. 

威尼斯电玩城手游的政策必须认识到气候变化是一项全球性挑战. Achieving a small decline in domestic emissions does not constitute progress if it triggers a net increase in global emissions.

不幸的是, short-sighted policies prevent us from securely building the energy infrastructure needed to deliver lower emitting energy to consumers across North America and around the world.  

美国.S. 引领全球液化天然气出口. 然而,目前现有的基础设施不足以满足全球需求.  

Allowing for the development of modern energy infrastructure projects will unlock the potential for cleaner gas, 而, 同时, creating the foundation for expanding hydrogen and other new energy sources that need to be moved 安全 and efficiently from producers to consumers. 平衡能源安全和能源转型. 

Policymakers can take several important steps — from fixing the broken permitting process to reassessing how energy projects are categorized. 最重要的转变是改变威尼斯电玩城手游的集体心态. We must focus on 安全 and securely cultivating an abundance of lower emitting options rather than imposing scarcity and passively hoping for the best. 

We need influential voices to reject archaic and oversimplified political debates and embrace a more enlightened approach to delivering energy security and fulfilling our collective climate goals. Our shared goal of achieving a real and sustainable global energy transition relies on ensuring continued stability. 它们并不相互排斥. 没有稳定,威尼斯电玩城手游就不能成功地实现过渡.

北美有资源, 聪明才智, 以及安全可靠地为世界提供清洁能源的责任. 这需要有远见的强有力的领导人, 洞察力, 并有勇气面对这一挑战,实现一个安全和可持续的能源未来. 

Poirier是TC Energy的总裁兼首席执行官, 解决全球排放伙伴关系(PAGE)的创始成员之一.